YEAR OF HAPPINESS // October Resolution

The year is winding down, which means the end of my YEAR OF HAPPINESS is on the horizon. I’ve been reminiscing on what I’ve done this year and where my focus has been. Happiness was my goal at the beginning of 2021 and I have been working hard to achieve that.

That being said, the end of October is here and another resolution has come and gone! My focus this month was on FAMILY and I could not have felt happier about it.

I am incredibly close with my family. I feel very lucky that I have strong familial relationships and that I keep in touch with many relatives pretty regularly. But I knew that I could be doing more.

One thing that I wanted to do this month was have one on one talks with family members and hear some stories from them. Having those moments allowed me to connect with family that I no longer see on a regular basis, but also allow family stories to continue on. I was able to learn more about family members that I never met or didn’t have a whole lot of time with when I was younger. But I also got to learn more about family members that I do talk to often, which was really special to me. I also spent more time this month video chatting with my family. Living in a different state, I definitely miss my family on the daily and being able to actually see them alleviates a little bit of that. Moving forward, I hope that these discussions continue to happen and more stories are shared.

Another thing that I did this month that I’m excited about is FINALLY doing my Ancestry DNA kit. I received it a long time ago, but never got around to it. So, I finally completed it and sent it out. I’m just waiting for the results to come back in and I’m looking forward to what I learn about myself and my family!

Next month is going to be a doozy, I already know. November will be a writing-heavy month, so I’m gearing up for that now.