YEAR OF HAPPINESS // November Resolution

My YEAR OF HAPPINESS is slowly coming to an end! When 2021 started, I had planned to focus on one new resolution each month. With November come and gone, the finish line is on the horizon.

For me, November was all about focusing on one of my passions and spending all month writing. In the writer world, this month is known as National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and the goal is to bust out 50,000 words in one month. As an English major, I had heard of people participating in NaNoWriMo and last year was my first time taking a crack at it. In 2020, I got halfway there. In 2021, I didn’t quite make it to 50,000 words, but I did manage to write 40,000! So I’m happy with that!

It has long been a dream of mine to write a book, but like many people, I sometimes let fear and insecurities prevent me from even trying to accomplish my dream. November was about pushing that aside and trying anyway. Not every day was a winner - I work full-time, I felt under the weather occasionally, I had writer’s block, etc. I couldn’t meet my daily word goal every day, but that’s OK. I made it 80% of the way there, and for that, I’m really proud of myself.

Even after November is over, I still plan on writing. I want to finish the project I’m working on, and will hopefully take this motivation and hard work into the next month and next year!

So, December. Seeing as how it is the last month of my YEAR OF HAPPINESS, it will be an accumulation of all of the months before. I will try and apply what I have learned from each of my resolutions and see how it all comes together to finish out 2021!