YEAR OF HAPPINESS // June Resolution


Out of all of my resolutions so far this year, June has been one of my favorites. This month my focus was on community, which meant donating to charities, supporting small businesses, and collecting donation items for a local food bank. I felt fulfilled this month and especially living somewhere new, focusing on the community around me has felt good.

Donating to charities

For the first three weeks of June, I designated two charities a week that I would donate money to. Those charities are:

During the last week of June, I put out a Facebook post saying that the first five people who commented with the charity of their choice, Andrew and I would match their donation up to $25. I felt that this was a good way to extend my community focus and get others involved.

Support small businesses

This past year and a half has been especially tough on small businesses. The pandemic was a huge obstacle that not every business was able to overcome. It only seemed right that during a month when my focus was on community, that that focus involved supporting smaller companies in my local area.

Some of the places that I gave my business to include Salvage Salon, Young Hickory, the Spanish Art Village at Balboa Park, and Pigment.

Collect items for a food bank

I have participated in many food drives over the years and have seen how helpful food banks can be for those in need. This was an easy thing that I knew I could do that would make a difference, and is an achievable act that anybody can accomplish. Throughout June, whenever I made a trip to the grocery store, I made sure to fill up my cart with items that I planned to donate. Canned goods, non-perishables, easy-to-assemble meals, anything that could help somebody out. I ended up collecting a large box’s worth of donation items!

July’s resolution is all about friendship and I can’t wait to make more time for my friends.